Chapman Stick

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Chapman Stick

(Instruments) an electronically amplified musical instrument with ten or twelve strings and a fretted neck, which is played by striking the strings against the frets with the fingers. Often shortened to: Stick
[C20: named after its inventor, Emmett H. Chapman (born 1936), US guitarist]
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Serenity III: More Peaceful Music on the Chapman Stick is music artist Michael Kollwitz's third CD of relaxing music created on the unique, uncommon stringed instrument created by Emmett Chapman, and known as The Chapman Stick (R) (more info about this marvelous instrument can be found on or on Wikipedia--it's classified as part of the guitar family, and known for its ability to play base lines, melody lines, chords or textures).
In its place are the following: a chapman stick, an electric musical instrument which is essentially a flat stick with 10 strings that can play chords, melody lines, textures and even bass lines; and an electric zitar (a cross between a sitar and a guitar) played by Aguirre who says it's capable of producing a variety of sounds, from mild to ambient to loud.