Chalk formation

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See Cretaceous formation, under Cretaceous.

See also: Chalk

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
The swede-field in which she and her companion were set hacking was a stretch of a hundred odd acres, in one patch, on the highest ground of the farm, rising above stony lanchets or lynchets--the outcrop of siliceous veins in the chalk formation, composed of myriads of loose white flints in bulbous, cusped, and phallic shapes.
1 Pass Bankes Arms pub, go left at toilets and take path for Old Harry, a chalk formation. Pass Old Harry, follow path up a gentle rise.
According to the agreement Torchlight will farm-out a 25% Working Interest in this wellbore in exchange for the cost of drilling and completion for two lateral legs targeting the Austin Chalk formation. The drilling of the new dual horizontal legs is scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter 2015.
Sinkholes in this chalk formation are not uncommon."
The Company's immediate focus is the development of a major phase oil Austin Chalk formation exploration and production play, with Tuscaloosa Marine Shale potential, in its Turner Bayou project in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana.
The bedrock geology of the catchment consists predominantly of unconfined Chalk Formation, with limited areas of exposure of the London Clay Formation and Thanet sands.
Nostra Terra Oil and Gas Company Plc (NTOG.LN), an emerging oil and gas exploration and production company, has announced that at the Agnello #1 horizontal well in the Vintage Hills prospect unit, initial flow tests from the target Austin Chalk formation indicated a range in production from 402 barrels of oil equivalent to 139 boe.
3), both specimens from the Ector Chalk Formation of the Austin Group at the Savoy Pit, Fannin Co., Texas (Ector 7.5' Quadrangle).
locations for horizontal oil wells was the Austin Chalk formation of south Texas.
The acquisition is comprised of 67 wells producing primarily from the Austin Chalk formation in Fayette, Grimes, Lee, Washington and Burleson counties in Central Texas, US.