Cassius Clay

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Noun1.Cassius Clay - United States prizefighter who won the world heavyweight championship three times (born in 1942)Cassius Clay - United States prizefighter who won the world heavyweight championship three times (born in 1942)
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References in periodicals archive ?
With his trademark left hook, known as `Enry's Hammer', he famously floored the then Cassius Clay in a non-title fight in 1963 at Wembley.
1963: Henry Cooper floored Cassius Clay (later Muhammed Ali) in Round Four at Wembley Stadium.
1963: Henry Cooper floored Cassius Clay (later Muhammad Ali) in round four in London.
| Cassius Clay and Henry Cooper in their first fight at Wembley Stadium.
1966: Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) ended Henry Cooper's hopes of winning the world heavyweight crown for Britain in round six, in London.
To what did the late boxer Cassius Clay change his name?
| 1964: Cassius Clay (later Muhammad Ali) won the world heavyweight boxing title for the first time, knocking out Sonny Liston in round seven in Miami.
Cooper moved into the pub to focus on his training before the first of his two fights against Ali, then still known as Cassius Clay, at Wembley Stadium.
Cassius Clay, who later became Muhammad Ali 1960 The 17th Olympic Games opened in Rome, at which Briton Anita Lonsbrough won gold in the 200m breaststroke.
Muhammad Ali, formerly Cassius Clay, passed away on June 3 at the age of 74.
Cette procession passera devant la maison ou celui qui s'appelait alors Cassius Clay. Elle se terminera dans un cimetiere ou sera inhumee dans l'intimite familiale la vedette planetaire.
Looming above him, Muhammad Ali, the boxer recently known as Cassius Clay, yells at his stricken opponent to get up and fight.