Cane borer

(Zoö.) A beetle (Oberea bimaculata) which, in the larval state, bores into pith and destroy the canes or stalks of the raspberry, blackberry, etc.

See also: Cane

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
If individual raspberry canes wilt, the problem is usually due to feeding by cane borer larvae.
Grape cane borer. University of Nebraska Viticulture Program, Lincoln.
Battle against Venezuela's cane borer. Preliminary investigations and the launching of a general campaign.
New species of Trichogramma (Hym., Trichogrammatidae) associated with the sugar cane borer Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lep., Pyralidae) in Brazil.
Your berry plants are being attacked by cane borers--probably the larvae of the black and orange raspberry cane borer beetle or of the raspberry crown borer.
The southwestern corn borer and the sugar cane borer are important insect pests in tropical and subtropical areas of maize production in Central America and the southern USA.