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(ˈkeɪ ləb)

a Hebrew leader, sent as a spy into the land of Canaan. Num. 13:6.
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References in classic literature ?
'And I'm sure I need only look at you for another,' said Caleb.
'Or at John for another,' said Caleb. 'Or at Tilly, as far as that goes.
Caleb's dull eye brightened, as he took it, and thanked him.
'"For Caleb Plummer,"' said the little man, spelling out the direction.
'Something for our Governor, eh?' said Caleb, after pondering a little while.
Three months later he had renewed this bill with the signature of Caleb Garth.
Thus it came to pass that the friend whom he chose to apply to was at once the poorest and the kindest--namely, Caleb Garth.
Even when Caleb Garth was prosperous, the Vincys were on condescending terms with him and his wife, for there were nice distinctions of rank in Middlemarch; and though old manufacturers could not any more than dukes be connected with none but equals, they were conscious of an inherent social superiority which was defined with great nicety in practice, though hardly expressible theoretically.
He obtained it without much difficulty, for a large amount of painful experience had not sufficed to make Caleb Garth cautious about his own affairs, or distrustful of his fellow-men when they had not proved themselves untrustworthy; and he had the highest opinion of Fred, was "sure the lad would turn out well--an open affectionate fellow, with a good bottom to his character--you might trust him for anything." Such was Caleb's psychological argument.
When Fred stated the circumstances of his debt, his wish to meet it without troubling his father, and the certainty that the money would be forthcoming so as to cause no one any inconvenience, Caleb pushed his spectacles upward, listened, looked into his favorite's clear young eyes, and believed him, not distinguishing confidence about the future from veracity about the past; but he felt that it was an occasion for a friendly hint as to conduct, and that before giving his signature he must give a rather strong admonition.
In fine, he was a Caleb without the growling, and a perfect pattern of constant good-humor.
'fix.' It is the Caleb Quotem of the American vocabulary.