Caen stone

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Ca´en stone´

1.A cream-colored limestone for building, found near Caen, France.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Norwich Cathedral One of the most complete major Romanesque buildings in Europe, its Caen stone was transported from Normandy but fashioned by local masons.
As well as its buildings, this exhibition traces Caen Stone's 165 million year geological career and the difficulties posed in its quarrying.
Caen today is an attractive town with beautiful abbeys and churches, and houses built with mellow Caen stone. There are many fine restaurants and bistros throughout Normandy, and dining out is not expensive.
HDS was used because the architect wanted a complete visual image of the Caen stone walls, marble wainscot and detailing and the pink marble floor.
The problem is with the Caen stone from France used to build the front wing in 1847 that faces The Mall.
The original, in distinctive light-coloured Caen stone, cost pounds 3,937 in 1854.