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(Biography) Il, real name Agnolo di Cosimo. 1503–72, Florentine mannerist painter
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He was seen at once rummaging with ardor in an old box, in which he found some brushes, a little gnawed by the rats, but still passable; some colors in bladders almost dried up; some linseed-oil in a bottle, and a palette which had formerly belonged to Bronzino, that dieu de la pittoure, as the ultramontane artist, in his ever young enthusiasm, always called him.
They instinctively knew that this was the work of 16th century Italian mannerist Agnolo Bronzino, although it had been misattributed to Andrea Commodi.
Among the multiple examples they put forth to reinforce their claims, it is their revelations regarding Michelangelo's adaptation of Noli me tangere for his admired patron, Vittoria Colonna (a composition known through a version by Bronzino painted between 1531-1532) that prove the most insightful of the chapter.
Displayed together, three great altarpieces by Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino, and Bronzino encapsulate not just the expressive scope of the generation of artists following Michelangelo, but also the nature of Andrea's legacy.
Aquino III is welcomed by Italian Republic President Sergio Mattarella at the Sala del Bronzino of the Quirinal Palace for the Bilateral Meeting during his Official Visit on Wednesday (December 02, 2015).
Editors Schreiner, Bronzino, and Peterson present students, academics, researchers, and medical professionals working in a wide variety of contexts with a collection of academic papers and scholarly articles focused on the contemporary use of a wide variety of medical instruments and devices.
But Vicky admitted she was surprised at the sale price of the Monty Python foot, which was based on a detail of the foot of Cupid in Agnolo Bronzino's Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time She said: "It's so iconic.
Christiano Pagni, Secretary to Eleanor of Toledo (the wife of Duke Cosimo de' Medici), writes to Majordomo Pier Ricio, "My Duchess has told me to write to you to order Messer Bronzino to come to her, so that he can make a portrait of Don Giovanni (her 2nd son) to send to the Pope, which she wants dispatched as soon as possible" to help secure his cardinalship (176).
The exclusion of both Bronzino and Pontorno from this fresco (Woods-Marsden 150) (3) was probably not Vasari's choice.
(The crooked arrangement of limbs is not entirely unprecedented, sharing a certain affinity with the strangely eccentric pose of the Venus in Bronzino's An Allegory with Venus and Cupid, ca.
In which artistic field was Bronzino II a noted National Park?