Brit Lit

Brit Lit

(ˈbrɪtˌlɪt) or


(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) British literature, esp current fashionable writing
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Screenwriter Andrew Davies, a tireless exhumer of 19th century Brit Lit, opines that Dickens didn't believe in "using money to make money." "Mr.
The fashion is for reality, and no brand is more proven than the British royal family, closely followed by Jane Austen and the other queens of Brit lit.
Hathaway joins a long line of American actresses who have played Brit Lit girls.
This one is a mix-and-match morality play, with borrowings' from Hindu myths and legends, from nineteenth-century Brit lit (Dickens' orphans, Charlotte Bronte's scorched husbands) and global high-tech thrillers.
I remember distinctly, the evening that same Brit lit lady called me at home.
His London-based Neal Street Prods., which recently renewed its first-look deal with DreamWorks, is working with Andrew Davies, the doyen of Brit lit, on the first ever bigscreen version of George Eliot's monumental 19th-century novel "Middlemarch," for Mendes to direct in 2008.
"Lord of the Rins: The Return of the King" and "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" are both adapted from Brit lit and play out in English accents.
In addition, Hollywood is smitten with Brit lit: The studios are embracing British writers and, for once, the feeling is mutual, which is helping to create a flood of work for U.K.