Bottle brush

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a cylindrical brush for cleansing the interior of bottles.
- Shak.

See also: Bottle

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He could fluff up his tail till it looked like a bottle brush, and his war cry as he scuttled through the long grass was: "Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchk!"
KP has the epicenters of Shisham, Siris, Pipal, Bakin, Amaltas, Willow, Poplar, Mulberry, Phulai, Alstona, Kachnar, Bottle Brush, Gul e Nashtar, Jaman, Kikar and Beera which are the easiest sources to counterbalance effects of climate change and air pollution besides bolstering chances of rains in Pakistan, he added.
The cat came with the name Bottle Brush Lennox, but I wanted to call it Oscar.
You can save [pounds sterling]95 on the set which includes a compact electric steriliser for 5 bottles, bottles, teats, bottle warmer, bottle bags, soother, bottle brush, tongs, and powder dispenser.
Re-Found Objects ( offers a range of reclaimed, vintage and hand-made household items: Fly swat, PS10; loo brush with rim cleaner, PS13.95; red handled brush,PS7.50; rice straw hand brush PS7.75; scrubbing brush with handle, PS14; twisted bottlebrush with black nylon tip, PS7.75; twisted bottle brush with soft cotton tip PS6.75; dustpan with metal handle PS3.50
Leave it to air for a few hours, or ideally Re-Found Objects ( offers a range of reclaimed, vintage and hand-made household items: Fly swat, PS10; loo brush with rim cleaner, PS13.95; red handled brush,PS7.50; rice straw hand brush PS7.75; scrubbing brush with handle, PS14; twisted bottlebrush with black nylon tip, PS7.75; twisted bottle brush with soft cotton tip PS6.75; dustpan with metal handle PS3.50 for the whole day, and then vacuum away.
He says the type of trees they are planning to plant at these two sites are Gul-e-Nishter, Jacaranda, bottle brush, gab, and other indigenous trees such as Neem and Jamun.
Naqvi said that the saplings planted include Chirpine, Amaltas Tree, Sukhchain tree, Kachnar tree, Silver oak, Bottle brush tree and Jacaranda tree.
Sets of wool-wrapped or bottle brush trees in gently hued macaroon colors would look pretty on a table with other soft textures and coordinating taper candles; find them all at World Market.
A study reported that the development of sensitisation to perennial allergens early in life (3mm at the SPT.9 Allergen extracts for SPT were procured from abroad (Greerlabs, USA) and included allergens of HDMs, paper mulberry, grass, mixed pollen, neem and eucalyptus, cannabis, dandelion, ragweed, bottle brush, cockroach, cat and dog hair, wasp and pigeon feathers, Candida albicans, Alternariaalternata and Aspergillus fumigatus.
(L-R) Dustpan, PS9; Fly swat, PS9; Bottle brush, PS6.75; Rice straw hand brush, PS7.50; Heart-shaped old carpet beater, PS14.50 (in stock April); Extending cupboard brush, PS35; Red-handled brush, PS6.50; Bottle brush, PS7; Loo brush with rim cleaner, PS8, RE for the Home ( Spruce up an entrance hall with a lick of paint and a declutter to give it a fresh feeling for spring.
'I do not understand CDA's love affair with palm, date and bottle brush trees that do not survive in the local environment.