Boston matrix

Also found in: Financial.

Boston matrix

(Commerce) a two-dimensional matrix, used in planning the business strategy of a large organization, that identifies those business units in the organization that generate cash and those that use it
[C20: from the Boston Consultancy Group, a leading firm of strategic consultants, who developed it]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Divide your Boston Matrix into two scales, Mainstream>Niche and Established>Disruptive, then settle for the Mainstream/ Established quartile.
The FM art matrix, a variant of the Boston matrix, has four quadrants for high and low values and variable or stationary values (Table 1).
The fifth chapter concentrates on the marketing aspect of design management, outlining concepts such as Ansoff's Matrix and the Boston Matrix. In addition, chapter five emphasises the benefits of quality branding.
While some may see total transparency as the only truly "ethical" communication, most communication falls onto a Boston Matrix that plots the intersection of how proactively information is communicated with the completeness of that information.
It indicates that the categories of the Boston Consultancy Group Matrix (BCG-Matrix) (4) are not cross-referred to each other nor given a complete and consistent description: only their field label (marketing) is compiled, but without making explicit their ontological relatedness; the superordinate product/produit is only present in four of them, but not in the term which relates them (the Boston matrix); no sense discrimination or contextual clues are given to relate the meanings of the components of the Boston matrix; only a very indirect relationship between dog and star is found in a quotation for dog (example 4):
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