

(Italian bontemˈpɛlli)
(Biography) Massimo. 1878–1960, Italian dramatist, poet, novelist, and critic. His works include the play Nostra Dea (1925) and the novel The Faithful Lover (1953)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Along with the contribution concerning Ovidian elements in Bontempelli's prose, these criticisms clarify to what extent the magical and religious facets of Ovid's choice of subject matter, characters and mythical occurrences exerted a powerful influence on modern writers who explored the obscure side of self and sought to find new avenues by means of 'surrealist' methods and tenets.
Il capitolo XI e dedicato al rapporto tra Pirandello e Bontempelli, e l'ultimo capitolo, il XII, e rivolto al Pirandello in America.
"La commedia storica di Bontempelli si fa con Malipiero opera buffa", in Teatro alla Scala, stagione lirica 1956-1957, 259-263.
Bontempelli, "Doped pencil leads for drawing modified electrodes on paper-based electrochemical devices," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, vol.
(aprobado por la Inspeccion de Ensenanza de la ciudad de Rosario); El aporte santafecino a los Ejercitos de la Independencia, Astros nuevos: Azorin, Gabriel Miro, Bontempelli. (OCC 13) Este vasto catalogo de las obras del joven Bustos Domecq traza el perfil de un escritor de provincias, preocupado por la cuestion patriotica a traves principalmente de las politicas educativas.
Bontempelli, "An electrochemical gas sensor based on paper supported room temperature ionic liquids", Lab Chip, 12 (1), 153-8, 2012.
Bontempelli, A Capillary Electrophoresis Microsystem for the Rapid in- Channel Amperometric Detection of Synthetic Dyes in Food, J.