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1. (Biography) Sir Chris(tian John Storey). born 1934, British mountaineer and writer; led 1970 Annapurna I and 1975 Everest expeditions; reached Everest summit in 1985
2. (Biography) Richard Parkes. 1801–28, British painter of landscapes and historical scenes
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Go Outdoors president Sir Chris Bonington CBE commented: ``It's wonderful to see such high standards in outdoor stores.
EVEREST mountaineer Sir Chris Bonington was yesterday involved in rescuing a stricken climber on Ben Nevis.
LOUGHBOROUGH GREENFIELDS 93 SUTTON BONINGTON 63 Greenfields skips first: B Woodley 29 G Lester 15, D Gooch 28 R Oliver 10, H Tyler 12 M Wright 22, T Bowling 24 P Bottany 16.
Sir Chris Bonington is just one of several people whose love of Snowdonia is featured in Snowdonia Stories, a programme which celebrates the establishment of Snowdonia as a National Park back in 1951.
"It will also prevent people using Newdegate Road, Arbury Avenue and Bonington Drive as 'rat runs' to avoid the town centre at busy times," Cllr Bottrill said.
Sutton Bonington Mike Elliott 0115 937 6506 THOUSANDS AT SHOW.
1962: Chris Bonington and Ian Clough became the first Britons to conquer the north face of the Eiger.
At dusk on September 24 1975, Doug and Dougal Haston became the first Britons to reach the summit of Everest as lead climbers on Chris Bonington's epic expedition to the mountain's south-west face.
To attempt the first ascent of The Ogre, Scott was in good company with Chris Bonington (later knighted), Paul Braithwaite, Julian Anthoine and Clive Rowland.
Mountaineer Bonington. | 1889: The Savoy Hotel in London opened.