Blue Ensign

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Blue Ensign

(Nautical Terms) an ensign having the Union Jack on a blue background at the upper corner of the vertical edge alongside the hoist: flown by Royal Navy auxiliary vessels, and, with some extra distinguishing mark or insignia, by certain yacht clubs. Compare Red Ensign, White Ensign
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Both are a "defaced blue ensign" - a blue field with the stars of the southern cross and the Union Jack in the upper left corner.
A red, white and blue roundel, set on a pale blue ensign, was eventually decided on, but the Navy dragged in the College of Heralds, which ruled that a flag containing two shades of the same colour was impermissible.
The defaced Blue Ensign, as the Australian flag is called, appears on the cover and within the book but it is black (with negative connotations) instead of blue, and being hoisted up the flagpole with great difficulty by a small person of colour wearing red (blood, suffering, heart...) and white, possibly suggestive of goodness.
At the event on Wednesday, the Blue Ensign was raised in the presence of dignitaries and members of the public, and a speech was given by Captain Andy Jordan, commanding officer of HMS Collingwood, the Royal Navy's largest training establishment.
So while I'm weeding all sorts of blue owers suggest themselves - Anchusa azurea, with bold spires of ultramarine owers, Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign', which loves the heavy soil here, and towards the edge Veronica 'Georgia Blue'.
So while I'm weeding all sorts of blue flowers suggest themselves - Anchusa azurea, with bold spires of ultramarine flowers, Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign', which loves the heavy soil here, and towards the edge Veronica 'Georgia Blue'.
The best of all the deep blue cultivars is Pulmonaria angustifolia 'Blue Ensign', with unusually large flowers and rich green leaves, slightly crimson on their reverse.
I''M WRITING in response to a letter in Tuesday''s Daily Post, from a Mr D Taylor, who wanted to know why the cruise liner Queen Elizabeth was flying a blue ensign during her maiden visit to Liverpool last week.
Christopher Ryan, Executive Chairman of Blue Ensign Technologies recently talked with Pipeline & Gas Journal about the development of an oil from oil shale technology that he believes holds promise to supplement the world's decline in the production of conventional crude oil.
"Our blue ensign flag at the club is sailing at half mast.
The Union Jack and the Canadian Red Ensign on the left, the Royal Canadian Navy White Ensign and the Royal Canadian Air Force Blue Ensign on the right, with the new Maple Leaf flag in the centre.