Blanche of Castile

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Blanche of Castile

(Biography) ?1188–1252, queen consort (1223–26) of Louis VIII of France, born in Spain. The mother of Louis IX, she acted as regent during his minority (1226–36) and his absence on a crusade (1248–52)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Baldwin's study of aristocratic life in medieval France during the reign of Philip II Augustus, his son Louis VIII, and the regency for Louis IX by Blanche of Castile explores its topic in a unique fashion.
On the death of Louis a few months later, Theobald joined a dissident league of barons who opposed Louis's widow and regent of France, Blanche of Castile. He soon abandoned the league and became reconciled with Blanche.
Thus, within the context of this kingdom, queens--like Eleanor of Aquitaine and her later granddaughters Blanche of Castile, Queen of France, and Berenguela, Queen of Castile and Leon--reinforced their power and authority through familial kinship with their husbands or sons.