Bishop of Rome

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Related to Bishop of Rome: Pope
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Bishop of Rome - the head of the Roman Catholic ChurchBishop of Rome - the head of the Roman Catholic Church
papacy, pontificate - the government of the Roman Catholic Church
spiritual leader - a leader in religious or sacred affairs
Catholic - a member of a Catholic church
antipope - someone who is elected pope in opposition to another person who is held to be canonically elected; "the antipopes resided in Avignon during the Great Schism"
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His letters stressed the important role of the bishop of Rome as the Vicar of Christ and the visible center of unity in the Catholic religion.
Peter as Bishop of Rome. He has reigned as Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church since 2013.
"When the Bishop of Rome gathers with leaders of other Christian communions, he and they are making a statement about the unity to which God calls us, not only as members of the Christian family but as members of the human family," said Brooklyn, New York, Auxiliary Bishop James Massa, who led the U.S.
The pope visited South Korea in April 2014, which was his first Asian destination after he became the bishop of Rome.
Their letter predates the Theses of Martin Luther by three years, and though they agreed in principles with some points in previous reformers' understanding of the problems and their solutions, Beall says, their orientation was fully in support of the core of traditional doctrine and of the supremacy of the bishop of Rome and the steadfast tradition of previous councils.
If Peter was the preeminent apostle, the logic went, the bishop of Rome must be the preeminent bishop.
In The Footsteps Of St Peter takes him to Israel and Italy, doing detective work on Jesus' right-hand man - the first Bishop of Rome.
Bless - as the actress said to the bishop of Rome...
This was the idea that Christ's commission to Peter in Matthew 16:18-19 was properly understood as a divine mandate to any bishop of Rome to wield authority over the whole church.
As late as AD 692, Pope Sergius, Bishop of Rome, joined in the proclamation of the Patriarch of Constantinople that their respective Patriarchates, their Episcopal Sees, were of equal rank before God.
121) and himself as the equivalent of the bishop of Rome. The formation of the cult in Gaul offered other tactics for defining relationships with Rome.