Bidding prayer

Bid´ding prayer`

1.(R. C. Ch.) The prayer for the souls of benefactors, said before the sermon.
2.(Angl. Ch.) The prayer before the sermon, with petitions for various specified classes of persons.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The honorary chaplain to the council, Reverend Canon Stewart Lisk opened proceedings with a bidding prayer. Two minutes silence was observed, wreaths were laid and then Reverend Lisk gave a blessing.
The Rev Robert Birnie, padre of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Irish Regiment, led the service during which he read The Bidding Prayer, praising "the courage, conviction and sacrifice".
This tradition continues to this day in many of our Christmas Carols and in such famous texts as the Bidding Prayer for Nine Lessons and Carols which invites us 'in heart and mind to go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass, and with the shepherds and the wise men adore the Child lying in His Mother's arms.' This piety is so ingrained in the spirituality of Christmas that it is genuinely difficult to know how to pray in front of this work, but that is part of its meaning and importance.
Mr Berry was invited to read a bidding prayer at the Service of Remembrance as the Queen's Royal Hussars, one of the regiments who made up the Light Brigade, use Birmingham Cathedral as their regimental chapel.
The honorary chaplain to the council, Reverend Canon Stewart Lisk, opened proceedings with a bidding prayer, a two-minute silence was observed, wreaths were laid and then Reverend Lisk gave a blessing.
The council's honorary chaplain Reverend Canon Stewart Lisk will open proceedings with a bidding prayer, following which the two minute silence will be observed.
After a bidding prayer, the voice of her friend and colleague Lulu cracked with emotion as she told the congregation: "We are all here with great love and great respect to honour Dusty's life and to celebrate it."
The Provost, the Very Reverend John Petty, then welcomed the audience and read out the bidding prayer: "The contribution of the armed forces and other uniformed organisations to World War II has been clearly recognised.
Ronnie's daughters and grandson Tom led bidding prayers, recalling his "gentleness and graciousness".
Music will be played by Royal Welsh Band and Corps of Drums of The Royal Welsh from 10.40am until shortly before 11am when the service will begin with bidding prayers and words of scripture given by Cardiff council Honorary Chaplain, Reverend Canon Stewart Lisk.
On the other hand, Israel keeps persecuting religions and disrespecting sanctuaries since the Israeli occupation broke into Al-Aqsa mosque, and formed a military siege, bidding prayers, including women and men under the age of 50, from entering the mosque.