Benedict XIV

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Noun1.Benedict XIV - pope who was a patron of the arts and who denounced the cruelty to the indigenous peoples of South America (1675-1758)
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Camillus was born in 1550 in Chietti, Italy and was canonized by Pope Benedict XIV in 1746.
She was beatified on November 21, 1751, by Pope Benedict XIV and canonized on July 16, 1767, by Pope Clement XIII.
This culminated in the system established by Pope Benedict XIV (1734-1738).
Benedict's medal one buys from the Benedictines, approved by Pope Benedict XIV way back in 1742.
Monsignor Pio Vito Pinto, dean of the Vatican court that rules on annulments, told a news conference the new rules were the most substantive changes to annulment laws since the papacy of Benedict XIV, who reigned from 1740 to 1758.
One of the famous personalities who appreciated her work was Pope Benedict XIV. The Pope appointed her to the position of honorary reader at the University of Bologna.
22 -- The entire world appeared to stand still in anticipation for 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church nine months ago when the cardinals were at the conclave to elect a new Pope after the resignation of Pope Benedict XIV. When the name of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was announced to be the new leader of the church in crisis, everyone wanted to know more about the first pope who had come from outside Europe besides Saint Peter the Apostle.
Other popes plundered it as a quarry until, in 1749, Pope Benedict XIV endorsed a view that the Colosseum was a sacred site, the scene of Christian martyrdom on a great scale.
Then he ambled off leaving me wondering why a perfect stranger (looked a bit familiar, though) would give me a book called, let's have a look, called The Infancy Narratives - Jesus of Nazareth by Benedict XIV.
The first of the book's seven chapters describes the influence of "The Enlightenment Pope," Benedict XIV (1675-1758), on the Bolognese scientific scene, and on the institution of the Anatomy Museum in particular, which "would perform enduringly for an eclectic public the layered and morally poignant drama of human dissection, mortality, and God's holy handiwork in the smallest of the body's covert parts" (22).
Your predecessor, Benedict XIV, restored the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate, confirming the election of the patriarch Abraham Ardzivian as the spiritual head of the Patriarchal Church of Cilicia for all the Catholic Armenians, and which to avoid the fury of his persecutors, had to take refuge in Mount Lebanon among the Maronites, and that Benedict XIV conferred the pallium as a sign of communion with the See of Peter, on December 8, 1742.
Caffiero's book (orig., 2005) is one of the most important contributions to the history of Catholic-Jewish relations in the 18th century as it sheds light on the dark side of the allegedly "enlightened" Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) and on the church's practice of forcing Jewish parents in numerous ways to have their children baptized.