Beaver River

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Related to Beaver River: Porcupine River, Moose River

Bea·ver River

A name for the North Canadian River as it flows about 450 km (280 mi) along the Oklahoma Panhandle.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"I thought it was an original thought -- Rick Laliberte, snotty-nosed kid from Beaver River, had a good idea.
Red Deer Lake, and the Beaver River, on the East, by a line running from said Lake to the conjunction of the Red Deer and Bad Rivers, and from thence to the Missouri, on the South by the Missouri, and on the West by the Rocky Mountains.
As the ECOs made their way back to their original location, a couple was observed fishing below the dam on the Beaver River. A quick check revealed that one of the two did not have a valid fishing license.
The Beaver River was used for many years in transporting supplies to and from the Columbia and posts on the Athabasca and Lesser Slave Lake.
At times, the Beaver River widens into large bays causing the first-time paddler to backtrack and choose another route to continue along its course.
Although plans were drawn up, a railway trestle was never built across the Beaver River. However, the grade was constructed along the south side of the Beaver River, from a location immediately east of where Secondary Highway No.866 crosses the fiver to a point near St.
Beyond the lodge site, the Beaver River exits Lila on its way to Stillwater Reservoir and eventually the Black River and Lake Ontario.