
Related to Bavian: gorilla


n.1.A baboon.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Well, there is the Bavian (or Baboon) in 2 Noble Kinsmen whose one line--"Yes, sir"--is as terse and perhaps as shocking as Caesar's one line--"NO"--in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Sennacherib's Bavian inscription describes the intentional imposition of fear upon the objects of the campaign, causing their flight: hattu puluhtu eli mat [] kalisitnu ittabikma Fear and terror I poured out over the whole land of Elam.
NAJA MARIE AIDT'S recent collection of short stories Bavian (Baboon) is characterized by tackling somewhat uneasy issues such as adultery, divorce, violence, disease, sexuality, and physical attraction.
The relation between the portrayal of the characters in Bavian, their further development, and the condensed form as well as the ensuing atmosphere of discomforting tension is well balanced.
Waith (Oxford, 1994), 3.5.130 and n.; the Q reading, 'Bavian', is generally accepted as a variant spelling of 'baboon'; search on the LION database reveals no more precise analogue for the phrase quoted by Bradbrook, and was, indeed, the means by which this apparent source was identified.
Shakespeare and Fletcher's The Two Noble Kinsmen reveals that repertory companies could introduce onto the stage the apelike Bavian of the morris dance, with his comic "long tool" and simian disguise.
Although societal standards and expectations of the past that discouraged paternal participation in child rearing are rapidly changing (LaRossa, Gordon, Wilson, Bavian & Jaret, 1991; Levant, 1988), many fathers find themselves unprepared to assume an active parental role.
That there might be baboons where we anticipate human actors is itself interesting; that we are unsure of whether a number of early modern performers were human or baboon--blind Gew, Bavian in Shakespeare's Two Noble Kinsmen, and Thomas Greene's "apes," to name just a few--is even more so.
We might read, for example, the schoolmaster's many warnings to Bavian about how to perform the morris dance in Shakespeare and Fletcher's Two Noble Kinsmen as commenting on such wide-scale appeal for mimicry, offering something akin to Hamlet's advice to the actors.