Bath Oliver

Bath Oliver

(Cookery) Brit a kind of unsweetened biscuit
[C19: named after William Oliver (1695–1764), a physician at Bath]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In it, Bruce revealed that a librarian secretly took the stones out of the crown and hid them in a Bath Oliver biscuit tin, which was buried under Windsor Castle in Berkshire.
What would you do with a Bath Oliver? champion J.J.
I had the cheeseboard (pounds 4.45) and asked to have only hard cheese, duly being served Cropwell Bishop stilton and Ford Farm cheddar, along with rhubarb and cognac chutney, celery and Bath Oliver biscuits.
The shelves are laden with everything from real Turkish Delight to continental sausages, cheeses and English Bath Oliver biscuits.
RON FORMBY, the tireless editor of the Scottie Press, Britain's oldest community paper, acts while other people attend meetings to waffle and nibble expensive Bath Oliver biscuits.
His last request, for a cup of Earl Grey tea and some Bath Oliver biscuits, was refused.
The puddings menu included a french lemon tart and a fine selection of farmhouses cheeses served with Bath Oliver, celery and grapes.
I want to swap the Easyjet Meal Deal for some good old fashioned elegance; to sweep through Provence while spreading a Bath Oliver with Gentleman's Relish, while Pete sits and thumbs his battered Beidecker.
Our goodies come from round the world and include superb coffees, continental sausages like the gnarled and red-skinned chorizos, succulent pates, lobster bisque and the oh-so-English Bath Oliver biscuits.