Bale tie

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Baling wire

The iron wire used to tie around hay bales to keep them from coming apart. In the horse-powered era, the wires were precut to length and came with a loop at one end. The wire was reasonably soft so that it could easily be slipped around the bale and tied. Cast-off wires from the bales became a mainstay for various farm repairs. With the advent of power balers, the wire was somewhat stiffer and supplied in rolls.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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9 rounds of Bale tie is un-usual so it should be reduced to 8 rounds which is a usual practice in the market keeping in view the provision of baling press and it provides the standard packing grade.
"As cotton gins began adding new water-spraying equipment to improve bale press operation and reduce bale tie pressure, the number of very wet bales increased, as did the need for an improved cotton-moisture sensor," Pelletier says.
Warehouses where cotton bales are stored have to invest in expensive large-scale bale presses to carry out bale tie replacement.
Other common problems encountered in gins include controlling cotton moisture levels and bale tie failures.
Galvanized steel wire is an intermediate product used to make corrosion resistant wire products, including chain link fence, vineyard wire, baling wire and bale ties.