Ayub Khan

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Ayub Khan

(aɪˈjuːb ˈkɑːn)
(Biography) Mohammed. 1907–74, Pakistani field marshal; president of Pakistan (1958–69)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
PESHAWAR -- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Communications and Works (C and W) Akbar Ayub Khan on Monday directed concerned authorities to complete under construction building at Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) within stipulated time period of one month.
PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Communications and Works (C&W) Akbar Ayub Khan on Monday directed concerned authorities to complete under construction building at Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) within stipulated time period of one month.
ISLAMABAD -- Federal Minister for Power and Petroleum Omar Ayub Khan has Pakistan is looking forward to boost its existing cooperation in the field of energy with Iran.
ISLAMABAD -- Federal Minister for Power and Petroleum Omar Ayub Khan has said that Pakistan is looking forward to boost its existing cooperation in the field of energy with Iran.
Fatima Jinnah was committed to the Quaid's vision of a modern democratic welfare state and this desire motivated her to stand up and oppose Ayub Khan's dictatorial rule in 1965.
Taking notice of the situation on the request of provincial minister Akbar Ayub Khan and his brother Yousaf Ayub Khan, Chief Minister Mahmood Khan had sent his advisers on Industries Abdul Kareem Khan to Haripur to hold negotiations.
The Pakistan delegation was headed by Minister for Energy Omar Ayub Khan while the Tajik side was led by Minister of Energy Usmonzoda Usmonali.
It was no coincidence that Defence Minister was none other than Ayub Khan in uniform, who during tenure of MAJ was superseded by three officers junior to him: Brigadiers Nazir, Iftikhar and Nasir.
ISLAMABAD -- Federal Minister for Power Division Umar Ayub Khan - addressing the National Assembly budget session - Wednesday said criminal negligence was committed against Pakistan's economy in the past.
Earlier on April 15, Minister for Power Omar Ayub Khan on had warned of strict actions against power pilferage.
ISLAMABAD -- Prime Minister Imran Khan has given the additional charge of petroleum minister to Omar Ayub Khan.
Akbar Ayub Khan, a provincial minister hailing from Haripur, in his recent visit to the Kalabagh area announced the establishment of an IT University at the site of Kalabagh Dam after demolishing the same and putting marine and wildlife at risk.