Arts and Crafts Movement

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Arts and Crafts Movement

A movement in architecture and decorative arts flourishing in England and the United States from about 1870 to 1920 and characterized by simplicity of design, hand-crafted objects, and local materials.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Arts and Crafts movement

1. (c 1870–1900) Based on the revival of interest in the medieval craft system and led by William Morris, its aims were to fuse the functional and the decorative, and to restore the values of handmade crafts in the face of the growing mass-produced wares of the late nineteenth century.
2. British late nineteenth-century crafts revival inspired by William Morris to return to individual craftsmanship in the tradition of medieval guilds, and thus nonindustrial quality that included deliberately priming cottage furniture.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement, Revised Edition
Until the 1990s, May was overshadowed in the historiography by her father's achievements, but now she is seen as a leading figure in the Arts and Crafts Movement. In her case, an examination of the business side of Morris and Co.
Designed by architect Jorge Arias, a Columbia Graduate, the space conception and millwork details take us back to the days of the Arts and Crafts movement. From the hand-crafted wooden table tops and fireplace mantle, to the Frank Lloyd Wright and Tiffany bronze light fixtures, to the classic Bradbury & Bradbury wallpaper; every element in the space was designed to create an elegant and highly distinctive atmosphere.
The most ardent interpreters of the Arts and Crafts movement insisted no machines be involved in the process of making, which must have made craft production akin to hard labour and its products rather expensive.
THE North East history of the Arts and Crafts movement is being explored in a new exhibition at the Laing Art Gallery this autumn, with a particular focus on houses in the region such as National Trust properties Cragside and Wallington.
It was known to have been bought directly from Morris and Co, the company founded by William Morris himself - leading figure alongside John Ruskin in the Arts and Crafts movement - to produce his famous wallpapers and textiles.
FROM FEBRUARY TO EARLY JUNE 2016 the McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College will mount the first comprehensive exhibition of the late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Irish Arts and Crafts movement. The Arts and Crafts Movement: Making it Irish gathers and contextualizes objects that evidence Celtic Revivalist and pre-modernist visual motifs created in a period of political and social upheaval preceding and following independence in 1921.
COMPTON VERNEY, near Wellesbourne: The Arts and Crafts House: Then and Now, the history and appeal of the Arts and Crafts movement. The Hart Silversmiths: A Living Tradition, a family's work in the Arts and Crafts movement.
B BIRMINGHAMSCHOOLOFART Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BX Tel: 0121 331 597 Birmingham was a significant centre for the international Arts and Crafts movement tor two or three decades either side of 1900 - and the focus of this period was the now Grade I-listed Birmingham School of Art (right), the first Municipal School of Art.
The American Arts and Crafts Movement. 978-1-4205-0915-1.
In turn, Bose and Tagore were influenced by the arts and crafts movement. Tagore was exposed to it in England, but the arts and crafts ideology also came to India and in particular Bengal through the writing and educational work of E.
probably the retailer most associated in most people's minds with the Arts and Crafts movement.
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