

another name for arrogance
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
(Forgive me, O God, All such speech-sinning!) --Sit I here the best of air sniffling, Paradisal air, truly, Bright and buoyant air, golden-mottled, As goodly air as ever From lunar orb downfell-- Be it by hazard, Or supervened it by arrogancy? As the ancient poets relate it.
Notwithstanding, so much is true, that the carriage of greatness, in a plain and open manner (so it be without arrogancy and vain glory) doth draw less envy, than if it be in a more crafty and cunning fashion.
"He could jut out his neck an ell," it was said, "and cast his venom about four rods; a serpent of countenance very proud, at the sight or hearing of men or cattle, raising his head seeming to listen and look about with great arrogancy." But if it was this same serpent it had lost its venom, and in the days when Bysshe and his sisters played about the garden, they looked upon it as a friend.
Yet they also contain restrictions for the mighty, with the 36th rule stating that those of "high Degree" should treat those of lower status "with affibility & Courtesie, without Arrogancy." Other rules prescribe basic common sense: Respect others in company, don't embarrass people, and don't indulge annoying habits around others (Specificity is provided--keep your nails clean, don't chew with your mouth open, etc.).
Irving and I were probably among the last products it delivered before gliding off, and then rushing off into self-consciousness, arrogancy, insincerity, jangle, and vulgarity, which I fear are now very much the definition of it.
An article published in the Boston Newsletter called the Courant a "Notorious, Scandalous Paper" full of "Nonsense, Unmannerliness, Raillery, Prophaneness, Immorality, Arrogancy, Calumnies, Lyes." So it went.
Those of high rank ought to treat their lessers with affability and courtesy, without arrogancy.
The latter was a truth used deceptively to tap into our human arrogancy and sell margarine--a product much closer to plastic than nature.
THE lilo's got too much water in it, Paul Danan is slagging off the 'arrogancy' of Abi Titmuss, and Lady Isabella Hervey (I don't know who she is either) is telling Paul 'I'm a very private person.' A person who just happens to have gone on a filmed-round-the-clock bikini-clad reality TV show.