Aptenodytes forsteri

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Noun1.Aptenodytes forsteri - the largest penguinAptenodytes forsteri - the largest penguin; an Antarctic penguin
penguin - short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers
Aptenodytes, genus Aptenodytes - large penguins
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Y mwyaf, a'r mwyaf adnabyddus mae'n debyg, ydi'r pengwin ymerodrol (Aptenodytes forsteri; Emperor Penguin) , ac mae'r oedolion fel arfer tua 3 troedfedd 7modfedd o daldra ac yn pwyso tua 75 pwys.
For example, the small and fast chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus has approximately 100 times greater value of [C.sub.E] than the large and slow emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri.
[10] described several anecdotal applications of bilevel EGs, including the budgerigar of Oceania and the Aptenodytes forsteri (emperor penguins) of Antarctica.
For example, there is some evidence that long-term adoption with emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri is rare (2.3%) with most lasting only 0.5-10 days (Jouventin et al.
En esta zona, los incrementos en la temperatura del aire y el derretimiento extensivo de los casquetes de hielo han sido relacionados con una menor disponibilidad de alimento (krill), como en los casos del pinguino de Adelia (Pygoscelis adeliae) y el petrel azul (Halobaena caerulea), y a la perdida de habitat para desove en especies como el pinguino emperador (Aptenodytes forsteri) y el petrel de las nieves (Pagodroma nivea; Durant et al., 2004).
Today four penguin species: Aptenodytes forsteri (Emperor penguin), Pygoscelis adeliae (Adelie penguin), Pygoscelis antarctica (Chinstrap penguin), and Pygoscelis papua (Gentoo penguin) live and nest on Antarctica and sub-Antarctic islands.
The main consumers are the animals resident in Antarctic waters all year round, such as several seals, the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) and the Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossi); some penguins, such as the Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) and the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae); and other birds, such as the Antarctic petrel (Thalassoica antarctica) and the great skua (Stercorarius skua).