

n.1.(Eccl. Hist.) One who seceded from the Scottish Burghers (1747), deeming it improper to take the Burgess oath.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Though Presbyterians arrived in Ireland by way of Scotland in large numbers in the early 1600s, they rather quickly divided (or continued their divisions) into several splinter groups, including the conservative Old Light, Seceders (Burgher and Antiburgher), (Marrow men) and Covenanters, moderate New Light, Arians that formed the Remonstrant synod, liberals, non-subscribers and Unitarians.
James MacGregor, an Antiburgher Seceder missionary from Scotland, who in 1788 published a pamphlet against another Presbyterian minister in Nova Scotia who held slaves, began the abolitionist movement in Canada.
He was suspended and excommunicated as a teacher of Antiburgher divinity students at Abernethy in 1763 for recommending in their philosophy classes Lord Kames, Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion (Edinburgh, 1751).