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another name for answering machine
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He could go back in time and steal Manuel's ansaphone. His companion would have to be a strong woman.
His readings of innocently cheeky messages to Santa, ' 'Tis The Season To Be Bloated' and a skit surrounding calls to a music department Ansaphone were greeted with knowing guffaws from the 800- strong audience.
"After arriving at work about 6am we get the kettle on for tea while making notes of all ansaphone messages; mostly orders from restaurants.
Tailored to Eat 118a Aigburth Road Liverpool L18 7BP Tel/fax: 0151 727 0070 After hours ansaphone service Mobile: 07780914527 Email:tailoredtoeat@hotmail.comFOOD BITES Aberystwyth Xmas Food Fayre takes place on Saturday, December 14.
Last Thursday, I rang Swindon all day to enter my Ineedabreak for an open race, but got no answer, only an ansaphone. So I tried again on Friday, but still no answer.
By simply uttering the words "I'm going out", the system would switch off lights, turn on the ansaphone and set the alarm.
When the ansaphone whirrs into action you speak calmly: call me.