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n, pl -nos
(Cooking) a drink consisting of espresso coffee diluted with hot water
[C20: from Italian (caffè) Americano American (coffee)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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From macchiato to mocha to an Americano, there are a variety of coffee names that some of us may not even know of.
Exotico Americano is the debut album of Texas-based musician Frederico7.
The new development agreement with Northland Properties expands the previous development commitment by over 30 additional restaurants.Denny's Corporation also amended the existing development agreement with The Bistro Americano Group, which has opened six Denny's restaurants in the Philippines since becoming a franchisee in late 2015.
Gli scritti, ventuno in totale, intendono dimostrare come gli italiani e gli italo americani abbiano arricchito il panorama culturale e letterario americano, "[...] the Italian and the Italian American gift for spectacle and appreciation of spectacle have enriched American popular culture and literature" (xiv).
Takeaway coffees we looked at can stretch from having almost 0 kcal - like an Americano from Pret, to the 469 packed into a large 'massimo' mocha from Costa.
Nos Estados Unidos, entre as decadas de 50 e 60 do seculo XX, o futebol e o rugby eram esportes praticados simultaneamente, sem regras especificas, por jovens estudantes, quando entao, representantes das tres universidades norte-americanas mais importantes (Harvard, Princeton e Columbia) se reuniram para padronizar as leis de um novo jogo, ocasionando um novo esporte chamado The American Football ou futebol americano. O esporte comecou a ganhar popularidade no Brasil ao final dos anos 90 gracas as transmissoes televisivas do Campeonato de Futebol Americanos dos EUA, entre 1994 e 1998 (Pinto e colaboradores, 2014).
A WOMAN out for a morning coffee got more than a caffeine jolt when the bill for her Americano and a kids sausage roll came to [euro]10.
* 4 serving sizes -- Ristretto (25ml), Espresso (40ml), Lungo (110ml) and NEW Americano (25ml coffee and 125ml hot water)
That's why I religiously squeeze an hour on Friday for my cup of iced Americano with whipped cream at Africa Coffee House in Al Mawaleh.
De acordo com tais argumentos, enquanto o neoconstitucionalismo prima pela unicidade e igualdade formal, dispensando a diversidade e plurimas formas de vida, pelo que deixa de efetivar direitos humanos minimos aos povos tradicionais, o novo constitucionalismo latino americano tem como vocabulo basico a pluralidade, a diversidade.

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