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an association for the families and friends of alcoholics to give mutual support
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I reached out to a member in the Al-Anon fellowship for refuge and my request was granted.
Also consider joining the family support group Al-Anon.
Because support groups can increase the family member's well-being and ability to respond effectively to the person with the addiction (Al-Anon, 2011), I took this opportunity to ask Mrs.
If you haven't been in touch already, contact Al-Anon, the support network for family and friends of alcoholics.
He recommended Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon as resources for alcoholics and family members respectively.
Al-Anon Family Groups, THT Direct Information, support and advice from the Terrence Higgins Trust on all aspects of HIV and sexual health.
Winona Ryder stars in TV movie When Love is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story (pictured), a drama about the true story of the troubled love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon and her husband Bill Wilson, an alcoholic and co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Barbara, an addictions counselor, talks Bruce and Jimmy into doing some independent sleuthing when Luz Colon, her Al-Anon sponsee, is suspected of murdering her abusive boyfriend, Frankie Iacone.
Al-anon teaches detachment with love and has produced an excellent pamphlet entitled, 'alcoholism - a merry-go-round of denial.' Alcoholism is no respecter of persons, blighting the lives of people from all walks of life.
Al-Anon is a support group aimed at those who live or are affected by anyone with a drink problem.
I am writing to you regarding a campaign being run by Al-Anon Family Groups - a worldwide self-help organisation closely related to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
However, I was disappointed that the article did not also recommend or at least mention that family members can attend Al-Anon, where the behaviors discussed would be reinforced outside of the therapeutic setting.