Adolf Eichmann

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Related to Adolf Eichmann: Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler
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Noun1.Adolf Eichmann - Austrian who became the Nazi official who administered the concentration camps where millions of Jews were murdered during World War II (1906-1962)Adolf Eichmann - Austrian who became the Nazi official who administered the concentration camps where millions of Jews were murdered during World War II (1906-1962)
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References in periodicals archive ?
KILLER Nazi Adolf Eichmann SCARED Orlando Bloom as Paris Of Troy in movie EVIL Benito Mussolini SINKING FEELING Bruce Ismay and, left, the doomed Titanic WRECK Costa Concordia off the coast of Tuscany, Italy
Adolf Eichmann, a major organizer of the Nazi Holocaust, longed to leave hiding and return to Germany to get recognition for sending millions of Jews to their deaths, according to a new German book.
* Before he was captured by the Mossad, tried in Israel, and put to death, Adolf Eichmann longed to return from Argentina to Germany as a national hero, according to a new German book.
IN the recent drama Conspiracy, Adolf Eichmann was portrayed as the quietly efficient organiser of the transport that took six million European Jews to their death.
In honor of the anniversary of Israel's historic trial of Adolf Eichmann (which began fifty years ago next Monday), Der Spiegel is, in the best tradition of contemporary Germany, taking a hard look at the final years of the architect of the Final Solution, including its government's own continued complicity in his freedom (German intelligence knew he was in Argentina as early as 1952, and the CIA knew a few years later).
A conference marking the 50th anniversary of the Adolf Eichmann trial was one of the events that took place in Israel Thursday to mark International Holocaust Day.
1962: After a trial in Israel, Adolf Eichmann was executed for his role in supervising the "final solution".
HOLOCAUST mastermind Adolf Eichmann begged to be allowed to come out of hiding in Argentina and go home.
When Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi many hold responsible for the Final Solution, went on trial in Jerusalem 50 years ago, the proceedings riveted people around the world.
Israel attempted and failed to abduct Adolf Eichmann 11 years before successfully capturing the Nazi war criminal, the German newspaper Der Spiegel reported on Saturday.
Ch 4, 6.30pm ADOLF Eichmann's memories were written in his Israeli cell as he waited execution in 1962 for his Nazi war crimes.
Reports of Adolf Eichmann's Jewishness, on the other hand, are greatly exaggerated.