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Noun1.Accipitriformes - in some classifications an alternative name for the FalconiformesAccipitriformes - in some classifications an alternative name for the Falconiformes
bird of prey, raptor, raptorial bird - any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals
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in excreta of psittacine birds (Filiu et al., 2002), members of the orders Passeriformes (Marinho et al., 2010; Lugarini et al., 2008), Columbiformes (Cichon et al., 2011), and Accipitriformes (Cafarchia et al., 2006) has been consistently reported in the literature and often associated with the bird's habit of scraping and fragmenting pieces of wood and branches (Filiu et al., 2002).
El mayor numero de registros de acaros asociados a nidos de aves son en el orden Passeriformes (Kristofik et al., 1993; Kristofik et al., 2007; Bloszyk et al., 2009; Silva et al., 2018), comparado con los nidos de aves rapaces, en especial del orden Accipitriformes; a pesar de que estas pueden albergar una gran diversidad de invertebrados (Kristofik et al., 2009).
Some differences were instead found in Falconiformes and Accipitriformes in relation to visual fields and degree of eye movement for prey searching strategies (O'Rourke et al., 2010).
The genus Colpocephalum, as found on the Accipitriformes, is characterized by combs of short spiniform setae restricted to the venter of femora III and abdominal sternite III, but the ventral sclerites bearing setae between the vulva and anus are absent in females.
Accipitriformes: Circus cinereus "gavilan de campo", entre los Accipitridae es la que ha sido registrada con mayor frecuencia en el espejo de agua, totorales y gramadales.
The Arabian leopard, the most common wildcat species still spread in mountainous areas, was also featured alongside several endangered Accipitriformes.
Variable N Total 464 Conference AAV 223 EAAV/ECZM * 81 ICARE 160 Authors' geographical area Europe 184 Austria 4 Belgium 8 Czech Republic 2 Denmark 1 France 3 Germany 78 Hungary 1 Italy 25 Poland 1 Portugal 5 Spain 31 Switzerland 3 The Netherlands 6 United Kingdom 15 North America 233 United States 223 Canada 9 Mexico 1 South America 11 Oceania 5 Asia 30 Africa 1 Article type Case reports 114 Retrospective observational studies 129 Prospective observational studies 123 Experimental studies 98 Avian taxonomic order Accipitriformes 35 Falconiformes 26 Strigiformes 13 Psittaciformes 171 Galliformes 25 Anseriformes 11 Columbiformes 17 Passeriformes 27 More than one order 104 Other 35 Abbreviations: AAV indicates Association of Avian Veterinarians; EAAV.
El orden mejor representado fue Passeriformes con 13 especies (54.2 %) y 6.80 [+ o -] 1.12 (1-13) especies/localidad, seguido de Accipitriformes con cuatro especies (16.7 %) (Cuadro 1).
1994: Winter feeding of hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) in Piemonte (Aves, Accipitriformes).
For many other species (34%), including the Galliformes, Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, and several of the Charadriiformes and Passeriformes, the habitat consists of open tundra interspersed with woody vegetation.