ASCII text file

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Noun1.ASCII text file - a text file that contains only ASCII characters without special formatting
source code - program instructions written as an ASCII text file; must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
text file, document - (computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters
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It was pretty much accepted as a fact of banking life that documents sent to customers (statements, notices, inserts and so forth) were by default, just going to be bland, ASCII text file formats, with virtually no branding, says Vannoy.
(1) ASCII text file download of Navy injuries and occupational illnesses.
Data sources include real-time datafeeds (such as Reuters), any Windows-based application that supports DDE (such as Excel), any database that supports ODBC (such as SQL Server and MS-Access) and any ASCII text file. As well as automatic data filtering, Genesis allows data to be manually corrected.
Measurement data and an instrumentation list may be saved in an ASCII text file after completion of a measurement.
Most accounts receivable programs can either print a list of clients or write ("print") the report to an ASCII text file. Many accounting programs also include a report writer that can create ASCII text files.
Ed Falkowski, CMS LAN administrator, wrote a program to process the ASCII text file report generated from the Solomon III Report and Graph Writer module.
One can get an ASCII text file of The Three Little Pigs or other public-domain electronic texts from a computer at the University of Maryland, or a list of curriculum ideas on the subject of using the Internet from a computer at the University of Virginia, or a hypermedia software program on John F.
The new ASCII text file can then be added to the MedTeach index.
AICPA Depreciation has numerous reports available on any of the six bases of depreciation (financial statements, federal, state, AMT, ACE, and other) and printing may be directed to printer, screen, or ASCII text file. A sample of some of the many available reports are as follows: