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v. dis·lodged, dis·lodg·ing, dis·lodg·es
To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied.
To move or go from a dwelling or former position.

[Middle English disloggen, from Old French deslogier : des-, dis- + logier, to lodge (from loge, shed, of Germanic origin).]

dis·lodge′ment, dis·lodg′ment n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.dislodgment - forced removal from a position of advantage
remotion, removal - the act of removing; "he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
This vicious circle of a composite material starts initially with the swelling of a composite material and leads to interfacial debonding and dislodgment of filler particles over the period of time.18 This hydrolytic degradation mechanism aggravates if fillers have metallic ions present in them.19 The fillers such as barium and zinc are electropositive in nature and have affinity to react with water.
Despite the several advantages of SLS, it has potential pitfalls including ischemic complications, dislodgment, bowel twisting and difficulties with final closure.
His ARK startup led to the launch of LineGuard Med to develop SafeBreak, a device engineered to protect IV access devices from accidental dislodgment.
Predicting wave dislodgment of mussles: variation in attachment strength with body size, habitat, and season.
Reduced attachment strength may result in increased likelihood of dislodgment and an increased rate of patch formation.
Venous needle dislodgment: How to minimize the risks.
In one patient there was dislodgment of coil in the profunda femoris artery without any clinical consequences while attempting embolisation of branches of the external iliac artery.
Line dislodgment and/or accidental extubation, frequently mentioned dangers of mobilization, happened rarely, further highlighting the safety profile of patient mobilization.
It might be due to apoptosis, mechanical dislodgment of cells, or proteolysis of subendothelial matrix proteins, or it might be a consequence of complement-dependent injury.
However, in this patient, instead of necrosis of the abdominal wall, a more likely cause may be erosion of the peritoneal membrane around the (tight) purse-string with extra-peritoneal dislodgment of the catheter.
For example, resistance to removal of the LMA over the exchange catheter may result in dislodgment of the exchange catheter from the trachea and intubation failure.