Video Collection (1984-1992)

Skinny Puppy: Video Collection 1984–1992
SP Video Collection.jpg
Directed byDean English, Nivek Ogre, Dermot Shane, Jim Van Bebber
Music bySkinny Puppy
Release date
  • 1996 (VHS)
  • 2001 (DVD)
CountryUnited States

Video Collection (1984–1992) is a collection of music videos by the band Skinny Puppy, first released on VHS in 1996, and DVD in 2001. It contains most of the band's Nettwerk-era videos, a prominent exception being "Worlock". Directors involved include William Morrison and Jim Van Bebber.

Track listing

1."Dig It"
2."Stairs and Flowers"
3."Far Too Frail"
4."Smothered Hope"
5."Deep Down Trauma Hounds"
8."Killing Game"

External links

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