
(redirected from Software license)
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n acronym for
(Computer Science) end-user licence agreement: the agreement made by a user before being granted permission to use computer software
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automate software license spend that will allow organisations to oversee the
Software license and maintenance costs account fornearly one-third of IT budgetsand complexity goes beyond just the software installed on end-user devices.
India, July 21 -- Organizations can cut spending on software by as much as 30% by implementing three software license optimization best practices suggested by Gartner.
Technavio's analysts forecast the global software license management market to grow at a CAGR of 8.8% during the period 2016-2020.
The Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (DoD ESI) Commercial Software License Training is now available online and on-site for DON and DoD personnel.
While up until now, the perpetual software license was largely the only option available to enterprises, the situation has rapidly changed.
New software licenses revenues were unchanged at $9.4 billion while software license updates and product support revenues were up 6 percent to $18.2 billion.
23 -- What: Flexera Software's Vincent Smyth (EMEA General Manager) is to present his findings and vision on strategies adopted by global enterprises on Application Usage Management & Software License Optimisation.
Software license fee revenues for the quarter ended April 30, 2012 were US$7.3 million, a decrease of 9% over the same period last year.
By using the Business Zone API, service providers can ensure a fully automated provisioning process even if it relies on a 4PSA resource such as a software license. The end-customer experience is also dramatically improved because the waiting time is reduced to a large extent," Ms.
India-based Corporation Bank has been charged with software license violation.
Pricing for a standard software license model starts at $40 per user.
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