Log book

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(Naut.) a book in which is entered the daily progress of a ship at sea, as indicated by the log, with notes on the weather and incidents of the voyage; the contents of the log board.
a book in which a log{4} is recorded.

See also: Log, Log

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Later.--By the kindness of the Board of Trade inspector, I have been permitted to look over the log book of the Demeter, which was in order up to within three days, but contained nothing of special interest except as to facts of missing men.
The log book carried details such as the date of journey, port of embarkation, destination and the distance covered in statute miles.
easyJet, the UK-based low-fares airline, has launched its 'Little Traveller's Log Book' for young travellers flying this summer from London Gatwick or London Luton.
Why was the head of the stirring committee of the POO not advised and why wasn't he the one to record it in the log book? There's a log book there in Pope Pius.
The court heard entries in the new log book, which had only 21/2 pages of writing in, stopped at 2.21pm on the day.
Chief Gillian Guy said: "Log book lenders are on the rampage.
THE DVLA says it expects to replace virtually all of Britain's 34 million vehicle log books by the end of this year to finally thwart criminals who stole more than two million of the blank "registered keeper" forms.
Personal appearance is required when signing the log book and a valid identification must be also resented.
The log book was kept from when the school opened and featured daily notes on school life from former heads.