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(Computer Science) a computer program whose functionality has been deliberately limited, thus forcing the user to purchase additional software
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Far from being a stripped-down crippleware program, nanoCAD includes a rich set of tools for creating and editing 2D/3D objects.
Although the feature limitations make Express Edition "crippleware," it is nonetheless "better than what top relational database users had 20 years ago," said analyst Curt Monash of Monash Research.
One Computerworld blogger called it the "worst marketing moves for an upcoming operating system I can ever recall, while another officially dubbed Starter "crippleware."<p>Unlike Windows XP's and Vista's entry-level edition, Windows 7 Starter will be available to computer makers worldwide, including those selling within the U.S.<p>But even as Microsoft dropped the application limitation from Windows 7 Starter, it confirmed that the version would lack a host of features that higher-priced editions will include.